3 Things You Might Be Overlooking When Manifesting
Over the years, my yoga practice has developed into so much more than I ever realized it could be. I went in looking for physical validation, and though it took almost 10 years of practicing, I finally ended up in a place where I started to understand the practicality of the practice. I began to see how transformative yoga could be finally, and those transformations were far beyond my body.
Through my own studies, I came to cross the Chakra System. Through the classes of my teacher, Allie Van Fosse, and the books of Anodea Judith, I felt like my practice finally began to have a direction. Not a direction in the sense that there was a hard and fast finish line (because that’s not how yoga works) but in the sense that I was beginning to understand how to apply yoga to my life. I actually grew my practice and deepened my understanding of philosophy, and created true consistency and results.
One of my favorite things I have studied and begun to utilize in my life is the Chakra System for manifestation. Manifesting is something I always heard others talk about. I saw vision board workshops, people reading The Secret and talking about this idea like it was hard to attain magical power. Over the years I realized, it was a magical power, but not a limited one and not one that was hard to attain.
What is magick anyways? It’s not flicking your wand around and magically clearing the table after dinner. But it is the creation of reality from nothing. Which is what manifestation is. AND, it’s actually something that the tools of yoga in general very much teach us how to do. As we approach yoga as unity, we begin to understand that everything is connected and if everything is connected, then nothing exists genuinely, at least not in the permanent sense. Anyone has the power to create in the element of Ether/Space. Much like Lord Shiva has the power to create at will, so do we. Therefore there is an infinite possibility for creation.
There is so much to know about Manifestation and how to work through the steps, but perhaps you’ve been doing that and haven’t seen the results you’re looking for. And so you’re sitting here arguing with me saying, nope manifestation is not magick and it is limited. I challenge you to explore that a bit more.
Here are 3 major blocks that might be getting in your way in the process of manifesting your dreams:
You aren’t sure what your dream is (Crown Chakra Blockage)
It’s possible you are having trouble manifesting because you don’t feel like you have a dream. Or maybe you do but you don’t think it’s good enough. Our dreams come to us via the Crown Chakra, Sahasrara. If we don’t feel a strong connection to those dreams, it’s possible we are experiencing a blockage there. Or we can’t make it up there in the first place.
The demon of Saharara is “attachment.” Perhaps you are attaching too much to the coziness of a stable job or your current routine. Maybe you’ve attached yourself to a limiting belief that is keeping you small. A good place to start working through these attachments is the Root Chakra, Muladhara. Here we house all of our foundational beliefs…AND it’s where we cultivate our feelings of stability and safety. Work with your Root Chakra a bit to see if you aren’t stuck a bit too much with your feet in the mud.
You have a purpose and you have dreams. Trust me, they will arise if you do this inner work.
2. You’re saying the wrong things (Throat Chakra Blockage)
We self-sabotage so often by engaging with the demon of the Throat Chakra, Vishuddha. This demon is “lies.” During the process of creation and development, we get caught up in the lies that others tell us, or that we tell ourselves. Lies such as “I don’t have enough time, “ “I can’t do this, “ or “I don’t have what it takes.”
Though we might feel those ways sometimes, when we say those things to ourselves, it creates our reality. This is the magick and it can backfire. Our words start to bring our dreams into the real world by putting sound and vibration into them. This is when they start to become real. And if we say the wrong things about them, and about ourselves, our mind will believe it.
We can fight this by creating affirmations that negate these statements that we tell ourselves OR that others tell us. Try writing down the things you say to yourself or hear that make you feel incapable of accomplishing your dreams. Then, reframe them into positive “I can” or “I am” statements. Start every single day with those affirmations- say them out loud or write them on a piece of paper. Every single day.
3. You haven’t asked for support (Heart Chakra Blockage)
We are made to believe that we have to do everything on our own and it’s shameful if we have to ask for help. The reality is, people that who are incredibly successful in their jobs or even just their personal goal accomplishment, ask for help. Sometimes it’s financial, but other times it might be emotional support. It might be asking a partner to watch the kids while you get something done toward your dream. It might be using a connection to spread the word about your business. But the fact of the matter is…everyone who is successful has someone who has supported and helped them along the way. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you have to do things completely alone, or that you already need to have all the resources.
This was my personal blockage for sure. When I started not only accepting help but asking for it…I started to progress so much faster than I could have imagined. If you are having trouble asking for help and support, do some heart chakra work. Meditate on your beliefs about generosity and gratitude. Where can you get support where you haven’t before? Who could you ask?
Let me know in the comments below….are any of these creating “a-ha!” moments in your head? If not, what other blockages do you experience in your manifestation practice?
If you love the chakras, keep exploring them in depth with us in The Yoga Magick Studio
The Yoga Magick Studio is a virtual yoga community that delivers the holistic and magical tools of yoga; creating consistency in the busy life of the working woman to focus her visions, enliven her goals, and nurture her spirit.