Go With The Flow- Connect to Your Sacral Chakra

Happy February!

This month is really exciting because I am going to be focusing on creating content around the theme of “CREATIVITY”

Creativity is so important because it is how we express ourselves and it is what keeps the fire lit under our ass when it comes to accomplishing what we want. If we don’t feel we are putting ourselves into our work or our projects, we tend to get bored and lose steam…either totally phoning it in or losing interest all together. Which will inevitably lead to BURN OUT. Ugh…no one wants burn out right? So it’s the second month of the year now…which is when a lot of that fire we had from the new year…slowly starts to do just that…burn out.

What’s the answer? Where do we get started? How do we connect to our creative souls? How can we allow our own creative energy to SHOW UP and flow through us?

This doesn’t have to be like pulling-teeth. And if you are ever feeling that way about your creative energy, I have a solution for you.

FIRST OF ALL—>Keep in mind that all of us have creative energy. We just express it differently. It doesn't have to be something like art that speaks to us. I mean it might be...and that's great! But for many of us, we create in other ways. If you're one of those people who says "Oh I wish I was creative..." it's important to understand that we ALL are, by nature, CREATORS. Possibilities are endless for a limitless number of jobs or projects. Perhaps your creativity comes out through decorating your house. Perhaps it's painting. Maybe it's coming up with solutions to business problems in your job! As I said... the opportunities for creativity are endless.

Do you want to know how you can get to that point? Where it all just flows through? I gotchu.

Let me introduce you to the Sacral Chakra.

First of all, what is a chakra?

I'll explain briefly: A chakra is an energy center in our body that manifests from the intersection of our pranic channels. Prana is LIFE FORCE. In our body we have three main energy channels, and when they intersect, the life force converges to create this focal point, known as a chakra. Each chakra is associated with different colors, elements, actions, and mindsets. When we experience an imbalance in one of our chakras, it can affect different associated body parts...it can also affect our demeanor and our mindset. Pretty powerful stuff! We have 7 major chakras that line our spine, all the way from the base to the crown of the head.

Our Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, is our second Chakra. It is located between the pubic bone and the navel. It is represented by the color orange, and the element of water. It is responsible for our emotions, of sexuality, our pleasure, joy, and creativity. If we have an imbalance in our Sacral Chakra...we can experience things like tight hips or lower back pain.

As it is our center of emotions, if we do not permit ourselves to feel our emotions, we can experience depression, feelings of inadequacy, or dissociation. As it relates to water, this center is all about submitting to our own unique flow. In order to find balance, we should encourage ourselves to care less about HAVING CONTROL. These are the culprits of blocked creativity, or blocked sensuality. When we don't allow ourselves to be in flow...it's so much more difficult to CREATE.

How can we connect to Svadhisthana?
The Sacral Chakra is also the focus of pleasure and joy...so a great way to start connecting to that energy center, is to engage in activities we find pleasurable. It might be to do things we find joyful....things that make us feel like a kid again. I recommend visualizing yourself as a care-free child...what were the things you enjoyed? How can you integrate similar activities into your life now?

Make an effort to create a yoga and/or meditation routine for yourself. Bring intention to your practice and focus you energy on “creativity” or “flow” and practice with those intentions in mind. Vinyasa classes are going to be the best type of classes for connecting to your Sacral Chakra. Also using your practice to bring ATTENTION to this energy center can be very helpful. What do I mean by that? Use poses and breath work that help you to notice the physical part of your body associated with this Chakra. If you’re unsure of how to start…I just created a 40 min Sacral Chakra Flow on my YouTube channel! So you can check it out here.

Take me to the class!

In our practices and in our lives, we must re-learn how to be joyful or to experience pleasure...if we do this, we are able to let go of the need to control everything. We can begin to tune into our uninhibited FLOW. As we practice letting go, we stop blocking ourselves from the ideas we have and our tendencies to create!


Stop trying to be creative...and just BE creative.

Finally, MEDITATE. Visualize a glowing orange light in your low belly. Rest your hands over the abdomen, and visualize the energy growing throughout your body, and emitting heat into your palms. Meditate on mantras such as:

-"Ong Namo Svadhisthana" (I bow to the creative consciousness of the Sacral Chakra)

-"I am a being full of creative potential . I embrace joy and happiness."

-"I am aware and connected to my emotions."

Embrace your inner child this month and connect deeply inward. Know that you have a right to your emotions and that creativity and uninhibited flow rests within you...and YOU can awaken it.