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5 Sacral Chakra Practices for Women to Prioritize Their Passions

I read an article in Forbes magazine that inspired massive frustration in me. According to a survey form Jobvite:

“millennial women were more likely than millennial men to report that they’ve taken a second job out of necessity — 67% compared to 44%. Male respondents were more likely to believe the gig economy’s marketing messages about the freedom that driving strangers around in your car gives you to pursue your dreams, with 39% saying that they’ve taken a side hustle based on passion. Only 20% of women said likewise.”

Ok so what am I even mad about? This whole article was about how millennial women have cast passions aside from pragmatism. And what’s so infuriating about that is not the fact that we don’t have passions…but we feel as though it’s not possible to pursue them. In spite of still not being paid enough as members of the general workforce, we take second jobs to bridge the gap and continue on the path to burnout, resentment, and lack of fulfillment. Of course our male counterparts, seemingly with less worries and less to juggle, will take second jobs to follow their passions out of a belief that they can and that they should.

I’m not here to break down the mentality of men versus women that causes this (though I can speculate). Rather I am here to say that as women, especially in this generation, we need to start reconnecting to our passions and we need give ourselves permission to actually ENJOY them, even if they aren’t being pursued as a career.

Enter Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana.

This Chakra deals with our emotional freedom and fluidity, experience of pleasure and joy, and our passionate creation energy. Why is it important that we connect back with this energy?

  1. We deserve fulfimment

  2. We deserve joy

  3. We have amazing gifts to offer the world

  4. We are magnetic and complex goddesses with a wealth of wisdom that stems from our feminine, emotional, creation energies and we need to share that with each other and with the world- it will be better for it.

  5. "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein
    What is possible when we act passionately?

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How can you connect with this Svadhisthana energy?
Here are my top 5 favorite sacral chakra practices:

  1. DANCE . Emphasis on circling the hips and even TWERKING! Yep! You can twerk your way into your creatrix energy. The release and the joy that happens when dancing without a care in the world is an energy that can embolden nd impassion you to follow any dream you can think up!

  2. HIP OPENING ASANA. Yoga poses focusing on opening the hips promote free flow of emotion. It’s true that not every emotion we feel will always be “positive” or “happy” but free flow of emotion keeps us in the driver seat of our lives. When we don’t allow our emotions to be experienced fully, they have control over us and often convince us we ARE our emotions, when actually they are something we just HAVE. Also, emotion breeds creation! Try low lunge, lizard, frog, or pigeon poses!

  3. TAKE A SEXY BATH. Svadhisthana Chakra is associated with the water element. Make yourself up the most luxurious and sensual bath, with essential oils, flower petals, candles, bath bombs, and maybe a glass of wine! This will help you to take on the fluid and feminine qualities of this chakra, AND connect you with your sense of pleasure.

  4. ENJOY SEX. Svadhisthana Chakra is also associated with our sacred sexuality. While most western society represses sexuality, especially in women, we are pleasure-driven beings. Give yourself permission to engage with yourself or a partner in a way that is truly enjoyable for you. Women too often put their own needs aside to make sure their partner is pleased. YOU DESERVE great sex just as much as the next guy. Ask for what you want in bed…and maybe you will start asking for what you want in life ;)

  5. PLAYTIME. In our sacral chakra, lives our inner child- the version of ourselves that knew no responsibility and just wanted to have a good time. That’s not to say as adults we should shirk our responsibilities, but the Sacral Chakra asks us to acknowledge our inner child and engage with them regularly. We can’t exist from a place of all work and no play. We can find balance though and that balance can help avoid things like burnout or even stress. Make time for PLAY. Maybe hitting the baseball outside, coloring a piece of paper, building legos, knitting, painting, singing, sewing. Make time to have fun doing whatever it is that brings you joy.

So in the context of women choosing to not pursue their passions, why are these 5 things even going to help?

These practices will raise your self-worth and lead to more self-care. Maybe that starts with just eating healthier or getting regular exercise…but eventually it evolves into setting boundaries in our careers or in relationships, asking to be paid for what we’re worth, or EVEN daring to pursue a career in our passions. And if every single person cared this much about themselves and was able to experience joy without holding back, imagine what that world might look like.